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🌲The holidays can be an expensive time of year.

🌲There are always reasons to spend money, and we can feel like we want to show how much we care for our friends and family through purchasing gifts.

🌲It's a good reminder to remember that quality time, a thoughtful card, or a homemade meal often means more to us than a physical gift.

🌲Here are some tips to save during these "spend-happy" times (the holidays, Black Friday, etc.):

👍Sales always come and go. Don't get sucked into buying something only because of a sale.

👍Write down who you would like to give gifts to and set a budget.

👍Don't sacrifice your financial goals or go into debt over gifts. Your friends and family do not want this for you.

👍Discuss ideas like a gift draw or exchange, making homemade gifts, re-gifting, having an experience together, or donating to a local charity instead.