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🏠Debt is often the deciding factor in qualifying for a mortgage. To help you qualify, the best solution is to pay down debt.

Top tips for paying down debt:

👉Make yourself the priority. Not only is debt expensive, it's also stressful. Make clearing up any unresolved financial issues a top priority.

👉Stop spending money where you don't need to. To help kick the habit, try a "no spending month". Reinforcing a new habit of only purchasing the essentials (groceries, gas, etc.) will help you see where you are overspending.

👉Keep track - write purchases down. Every. single thing.

👉Don't give up. You may make mistakes, but stay positive.

👉Get in touch with a financial planner to discuss the specifics of your situation to come up with a system that will work for you.

🏠If you're a homeowner and have some equity in your house, consolidating debt through a refinance may be a great option for you.