Let's chat: 306-280-0054

🏠Building and custom homes have been growing in popularity with many seeing it as a next step or a way to live in their dream home.

 Here are my top tips for building:

🔨Know what you're getting into - it's a big job with a lot of decisions to make. Don't underestimate the time and energy required in a project like this. 

🔨Hire the right people - do your research. Review projects builders have completed. Find a builder that works for your budget, style, and location.

🔨Hire a designer - it's an added cost but will make your home look great, and also be your style.

🔨Consider new homes that are already built - you can see the finished project and decide whether you like how it all fits together, or it's a pass for you. 

🔨Plan, plan, plan - consider furniture, your lifestyle, your plans for the future, the ages of your children, and resale value at the same time. 

🔨Don't cheap out on windows - this is not an area to cut costs. Natural light is always in style!

🔨Know that you'll make mistakes - styles change, opinions change, and we do the best with the knowledge that we have at the time. Let go of perfect.

🔨Have kind, open, and honest communication with everyone involved in the process.

🔨Know the costs - a possibly higher interest rate while it's built, how much $ is required for a down payment on land, how much is required upfront with the builder, and what is it really going to cost. Remember that your personal time also has value.

If you're considering building, let's talk!